IBM/AIX 썸네일형 리스트형 Copying a complete logical volume Copying a complete logical volume(cplv, copy from source LV to destination LV that is lager than it, soruce LV) The AIX logical volume manager(LVM) provides the cplv command, which you can use to copy logical volumes within volume groups or to different volume groups. PurposeCopies the contents of a logical volume to a new logical volume. SyntaxTo Copy to a New Logical Volumecplv [-v VolumeGroup.. 더보기 Using the migratepv command Using the migratepv command(source disk to destination disks that is larger than it) You can use the logical volume manager(LVM) migratepv command to migrate data that is on physical volumes, Because you can use this command while the system is active, users are not disrupted. PurposeMoves allocated physical partitions from one physical volume to one or more other physical volumes Syntaxmigratep.. 더보기 AIX Technology Level update strategies IntroductionStaying current with the latest AIX Technology Level (TL) is always the best option to better availability, reliability and security. TL is a set of fixes, and new features added to an AIX version or new hardware support.You should considered moving to a new TL version for the following reasons:A new function provided in a new TL is needed.If the existing TL is out or is about to go .. 더보기 Ready for AIX recovery with mksysb and mkdvd Ready for AIX recovery with mksysb and mkdvdAnthonyEnglish | Feb 14 2011 | Comments (2) | Visits (11691) mksysb - an oldie but a goodie Long before the days of HMCs, VIO servers and LPARs, AIX version 3 and 4 ran on standalone systems. A system had its own tape drive. This would be useful for mksysb backups, which backed up the rootvg. Reliability, Availability, Scalability 1990s style Actually,.. 더보기 Creating a mksysb backup to DVD in AIX V5, V6 and V7 Technote (FAQ) QuestionCreating a mksysb backup to DVDAnswerCreating a mksysb to DVD-RAM in AIX V5, V6 and V7 This document discusses the ‘mksysb’ command and creating a rootvg backup to a DVD-RAM (cd#) device.What is a mksysb and why create one Files important to the mksysb Important information concerning mksysb flags A note about UDF and ISO options Creating a mksysb to a DVD drive in AIX V5,.. 더보기 ^M 없애는 방법 ^M 없애는 방법 cat filename | tr -d ^M > newfilename 더보기 반드시알아둘AIX명령 커널 현재 실행 중인 커널이 32비트 인지 64비트 인지 확인?bootinfo -k 현재 실행 중인 커널이 단일 프로세서 커널인지 다중 프로세서 커널인지 확인?/unix 는 부팅된 커널을 가리키는 심볼릭 링크다. 현재 실행 중인 커널 모드를 확인하려면 ls -l /unix 명령을 실행한 후 /unix가 연결된 파일을 확인한다. 다음은 ls -l /unix 명령이 출력하는 세 가지 가능성과 각각의 의미다. /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_up # 32비트 단일 프로세서 커널 /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp # 32비트 다중 프로세서 커널 /unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 # 64비트 다중 프로세서 커널 참고: AIX 5L 버전 5.3은 단일 프.. 더보기 P7_OS지원버전 The following sections discuss the support for the various levels of AIX operating systemsupport.IBM periodically releases maintenance packages (service packs or technology levels) for theAIX operating system. Information about these packages, downloading, and obtaining theCD-ROM is on the Fix Central Web site: Fix Central Web site also provides infor.. 더보기 savevg 10.4.1 The savevg commandThe savevg command finds and backs up all files belonging to a specified volumegroup. The command has the following syntax:savevg [ -e ] [ -f Device ] [ -i | -m ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [ -X ] VGNameThe commonly used flags are shown in Table 10-2. Table 10-2 Commonly used flags for the savevg commandFlag Description-e Excludes files specified in the /etc/exclude.vgname file from .. 더보기 randev_디바이스이름변경(AIX7) PurposeRenames a device.Syntaxrendev-l Name -n NewName [-u]DescriptionThe rendev command enables devices to be renamed. The device to be renamed, is specified with the -l flag, and the new desired name is specified with the -n flag.The new desired name must not exceed 15 characters in length. If the name has already been used or is present in the/dev directory, the operation fails. If the name f.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 10 다음